Tag: Customer Stories

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Milo, Yogi, Craggs & Crufts

Recently we were in Buckinghamshire helping Andrew & Naomi Cragg with a glass veranda. Australian they both love being outdoors, and now living in England they wanted a covered area.

Not long having been in England, both Andrew and Naomi were keen for a protected barbecue terrace. During the course of proceedings at their home they asked if dogs were a problem, that they had two shut away in a room, and so two energetic hounds came bounding out into the garden. Instantly we realised that their two dogs were the same breed as our dog, Milo (in the photo above), a Hungarian Vizsla. Naomi asked where we had got our dog from and so we told of our breeder in Cumbria – whom it seemed Naomi knew of immediately.

Naomi then explained that Milo’s father was a dog called Yogi, real certificated name “Hungargunn Bear It’n Mind”, and that he was the winner of Crufts in 2010. Asked how on Earth she could know this Naomi announced that her dog had in fact been our dogs father – from Australia! Naomi had bred him in Sydney 2004, Yogi had won lots of shows, he’d come to England at 5 years of age winning his crowning glory at Crufts, and from Australia they’d bred him worldwide – including with our breeder up in Cumbria.

What a small world! Andrew and Naomi are loving their glass veranda and we wish them and the dogs many happy evenings outdoors.


Hungarian Vizsla
These aristocratic red-coated thoroughbreds are rugged yet elegant athletes. Third or fourth fastest dog on the planet Vizslas can run at 40mph with boundless energy, they make good gun dogs and exhausting pets! By nature Vizslas are lively, gentle-mannered, affectionate and sensitive, they are loyal and possess a well-developed protective instinct. Created in Hungary to work as a pointer and retriever Vizslas were known as the “Gift of Kings” as breeding was restricted to Nobility in the Greater Hungarian Kingdom. The first written reference of the breed dates back to 1357 in the Illustrated Vienna Chronicle prepared for King Louis I of Hungary.

News Blog

A Picture Perfect Veranda

Over the past 17 years at Elegant we’ve had many lovely and talented customers, although not many have surprised us with a painting illustrating them enjoying their new glass veranda.

Heather and Tony Wass in Cambridgeshire were so pleased with their Elegant glass veranda that it inspired Tony to paint a personal thank you card. Tony has always enjoyed art and painting, and having his new veranda he can now get outside more often enjoying the natural light when creating his masterpieces. It also means that whatever the weather they can enjoy another pastime – having a nice glass of wine together on the terrace! A lot of our customers share enjoyment of that hobby and we often receive photographs of such.

But Tony went further getting his easel and colours out. Tony’s delightful artwork illustrates how the new glass veranda has transformed their patio and home life. Tony sent us an A4 folded card featuring one painting of him struggling onto an empty wet patio, with an umbrella, then inside the card was a second painting of himself and Heather seated below glass – and raising a glass. A large caption reads, “WHOOPEE ! And Thanks, the Wasses”.

Our thanks to you Tony we’ll be getting that one framed!

News Blog

Glass Veranda in Salisbury

Mrs C. in Salisbury got in touch wanting to upgrade her patio awning to a glass veranda, like her neighbours across the road, but wishing to keep the use of her existing awning too.

Our lady customer in Salisbury had been happy with her sun awning for several years, it had served her well, but it fell short come less clement weather and it didn’t give the permanent cover Mrs. C. now desired. When one of her neighbours benefited from installing a glass veranda Mrs C. realised the way forward and how a veranda could be a better option – awnings are great but can have their limitations during the four seasons of our weather.

We visited her lovely home, and what a fantastic location, her patio enjoyed a close view of the magnificent Salisbury cathedral spire standing 123 meters tall (404 feet) it dominating the landscape since construction in the 14th century. Mrs C. had a beautiful little garden which she enjoyed very much. Green was to be the theme following on from her awning fabric colour and so our Forest Green framework was chosen for the veranda.

One key factor was that Mrs C. wanted to keep her patio awning too, in order not to be wasteful, and in respect of the several years of fine service it had payed. And so our installers, Paul and Luke, free of charge reinstalled the customer’s awning higher up over the glass veranda, to give shade and sun protection whenever required. You can see the awning just visible in the photo above, above the glass. Paul & Luke then also gave her neighbours veranda a full wash and clean in way of a thank you  – such good guys. Thanks.

To achieve something like this for you Contact Us today.

News Blog

Outdoor Living Fireplace

Fire pits may be all the fashion right now but let’s not forget about chimeneas – the original patio fireplace. Outdoor heating that’s a fun veranda accessory as autumn approaches.

Our customer Mr Spedding, in Surrey, highly recommends his chimenea. He loves his new Elegant glass veranda, of course, and on being invited to visit him after installation we learned some useful advice about how he heats his terrace during frequent garden parties – outdoor entertaining his friends and neighbours late into the evenings. The glass veranda in point is featured in the photo above, a contemporary gunmetal gray replacing Mr Spedding’s previous wooden structure. The new veranda installation even includes a drinks fridge – plus his faithful chimenea sitting center stage.

Getting-Started Advice

Clay models have the best combustion and will burn fuel to a fine ash. Place outside of the glass veranda – you’ll feel the heat just fine, and be sure to pour a few inches of sand in the bottom of the chimenea before adding fuel. A sand bed protects the clay from cracking and should remain in place.

Mr Spedding, Derek, recommended Heat Logs for fuel – widely available including online order from Amazon or in DIY stores. Environmentally friendly heat logs are made up of wood from managed forests and recycled timber, cleverly compressed into handy logs. They are easy to light, they burn hot, are clean to handle and burn clean and smokeless – meaning guests won’t smell like a bonfire!

Use only dry wood or heat logs, not coal or charcoal which burn too hot damaging the chimenea. When not in use apply the chimney lid, keeping rain out, and use a protective cover over winter. Avoid water logging the clay and don’t light your chiminea if noticeably water logged, allow it to dry out naturally under the veranda. Always note manufacturer advice and use common sense with children.

Derek says that just two or three heat logs are enough to warm your glass veranda and adjacent patio during an Alfresco drink or short barbecue, this costing just a couple of pounds. A very long evening might use ten or twelve logs, maybe £7 or £8, but it’s all good fun and your veranda party guests will love it.


Historically made from fired clay the traditional Mexican chimenea dates back 400 years keeping families warm for hours burning only a few sticks. Originally used for both heating and cooking, outside and inside, they provided evening warmth and in the morning could be used for baking bread. Today they are purely terrace heaters and a quality model can last many years.

Thanks Derek, we love outdoor living too!